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About Konrad


Konrad Obermeier: Certified Advanced Rolfer, HP


I am working in the field of body-therapy since almost 30 years and I feel profoundly privileged to touch people professionally. After all these years I am still intrigued and fascinated with the human body and its inherent plasticity. I have channelled this fascination into the study and experience of a multitude of somatic modalities. Some of these modalities, as well as my basic background, are outlined below:


Born 1960 in Bavaria;
Studies in Communications at the University Munich;
Extensive Yoga practice and Yoga teacher training in India 1989;
Rolfing training in Munich and Boulder (USA) 1991;
Osteopathic studies since 1992;
Advanced Rolfing training 1993;
Continuum Movement practice since 1994;
State-Exam as "Heilpraktiker" (HP) 1996;
Teacher (Anatomy) for the European Rolfing Association (ERA) since 1997;
Member of the international Life Science faculty at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute, Boulder (USA) since 1998;
Rolfing Movement training 1999;
Training in Biodynamic Cranial Osteopathy 2000-2002;
Embryological studies (Dr. E. Blechschmidt) since 2000; 
Editor for "Kiener Verlag Munich";
Mentor for the ERA Rolfing training since 2003


Currently I am going through the "teacher in training"program for the ERA to eventualy become a Rolfing Instructor.

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